Kalasa Banduri Project Explained


  1. What is the objective of the Kalasa-Banduri project? Answer: The Kalasa-Banduri project aims to divert water from Mahadayi to fulfill the drinking water needs of the Belagavi, Dharwad, Bagalkot, and Gadag districts in Karnataka.

  2. Which streams are involved in the Kalasa-Banduri project? Answer: The project involves diverting water from the Kalasa and Banduri streams, which are tributaries of the Mahadayi River.

  3. When was the Kalasa-Banduri project first proposed? Answer: The project was first proposed in the early 1980s.

  4. Why has the Kalasa-Banduri project remained on paper? Answer: The project has remained on paper due to a dispute between Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra regarding water sharing.

  5. What are the adverse impacts of development projects like Kalasa-Banduri? Answer: Development projects like Kalasa-Banduri can have adverse impacts on natural resources, particularly when it comes to the need for sharing resources between different states or territories.

  6. Which states have issued a joint statement against Karnataka in relation to the water diversion project? Answer: Goa and Maharashtra governments have issued a joint statement stating their united fight against Karnataka regarding the water diversion project.

  7. When was the tribunal set up to settle disputes between Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra? Answer: The tribunal was set up by the UPA government in November 2010.

  8. What was the water allocation awarded by the tribunal to each state involved in the Mahadayi River basin dispute? Answer: The tribunal awarded 13.42 TMC water to Karnataka, 1.33 TMC to Maharashtra, and 24 TMC to Goa from the Mahadayi river basin.

  9. When was the water allocation notified by the Union Government? Answer: The water allocation was notified by the Union Government in February 2020.

  10. What did the Karnataka government submit to the National Wildlife Board and MoEFC regarding the Mahadayi project? Answer: The Karnataka government submitted a revised proposal seeking permission to divert 26.92 hectares of forest land for non-forest purposes in connection with the Mahadayi project.

  11. Where does the Mahadayi/Mandovi River originate and flow through? Answer: The Mahadayi/Mandovi River originates in the Bhimgad Wildlife Sanctuary in the Belagavi district of Karnataka and flows through Goa, Karnataka, and Maharashtra before reaching the Arabian Sea.

  12. Why is it important for transboundary water agreements to be robust? Answer: Transboundary water agreements need to be robust to address environmental and climatic factors, as well as changes in society and population, ensuring equitable sharing of water resources.

  13. What factors are essential for proper water management and meeting future water needs? Answer: Proper planning, growth, and management are essential for meeting current and future water needs and effectively responding to potential water shortages.

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