Global Liveability Index 2023: Explaind

The Global Liveability Index 2023 ranks 173 cities worldwide based on their stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. This year's index shows that the average score has risen to a 15-year high, with a return to order after the COVID-19 pandemic and better healthcare and education in developing countries. Vienna, Copenhagen, and Osaka are the top three most liveable cities in the world, while Bengaluru, Chennai, and Ahmedabad are the only Indian cities to make the list.

This blog post will discuss the findings of the Global Liveability Index 2023, and what they mean for cities around the world. We will also explore the factors that contribute to a city's liveability, and how cities can improve their ranking in the index.

If you are interested in learning more about the Global Liveability Index, or how your city can improve its liveability, then this blog post is for you.

Q1: What is the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A1: The Global Liveability Index 2023 is a publication by the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the Economist that assesses the living conditions of cities worldwide. It uses 30 qualitative and quantitative factors across five categories, including stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure, to determine the livability of each city.

Q2: How many cities are included in the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A2: The Global Liveability Index 2023 assesses 173 cities worldwide.

Q3: What are the major categories used to evaluate the livability of cities?

A3: The livability of cities is evaluated based on five broad categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.

Q4: What are the uses of assessing liveability?

A4: Assessing liveability has a wide range of uses, including benchmarking perceptions of development levels and helping in assigning a hardship allowance for expatriate relocation packages.

Q5: Which regions dominate the top ranks of the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A5: The top ranks of the Global Liveability Index 2023 are dominated by European and North American cities.

Q6: Which regions have shown significant improvement in the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A6: Asia-Pacific cities have made significant gains in the Global Liveability Index 2023, accounting for eight of the top ten movers up the rankings as economies recover from the pandemic.

Q7: Which city ranks first in the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A7: Vienna in Austria tops the ranking of the most liveable cities in the world according to the Global Liveability Index 2023.

Q8: Which Asian city features among the top 10 most liveable cities?

A8: Osaka in Japan features among the top 10 most liveable cities, according to the Global Liveability Index 2023, ranking at number 9.

Q9: Which cities are at the bottom of the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A9: Damascus in Syria and Tripoli in Libya are still at the bottom of the Global Liveability Index 2023, primarily due to social unrest, terrorism, and conflict.

Q10: How has the overall liveability index improved in 2023 compared to previous years?

A10: The average index score among all 172 cities assessed in the Global Liveability Index 2023 has reached a 15-year high of 76.2 out of 100. This improvement indicates progress as the world moves on from the COVID-19 pandemic, with better healthcare and education scores in many cities.

Q11: What factors have contributed to the improvement in liveability scores in some regions?

A11: The improvement in liveability scores in some regions can be attributed to the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, better healthcare systems, and advancements in education in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Q12: What factors have led to a decline in stability scores in the Global Liveability Index 2023?

A12: The stability scores in the Global Liveability Index 2023 have declined since the previous year due to instances of civil unrest occurring around the world.

Q13: How has the war in Ukraine affected liveability in European cities?

A13: The war in Ukraine and its resulting economic and political disruption have had an impact on the liveability of many European cities, as stated in the Global Liveability Index 2023.

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